The UK Civil Aviation Authority is the air safety and aviation regulator for the United Kingdom. Other responsibilities include airspace regulation, economic regulation and consumer protection.
The Home Office UK Border Agency controls migration into the United Kingdom and is responsible for keeping the UK border secure.
Direct.gov provides advice on air travel hand luggage rules including restricted items.
The BAA is responsible for the running of six airports within the United Kingdom as well as being a world leader in airport security.
IATA is a global organisation and trade body that represents more than ninety percent of international air traffic.
ABTA is a travel association that aims to raise standards in the travel industry along with offering consumer services including financial protection.
The Airport Operators Association is an organisation aiming to promote operational safety and aviation security while maintaining the development of airport within the United Kingdom.
ATOL is the Air Travel Organiser's Licensing organisation providing a financial protection scheme for travelers and holidaymakers.
The HM Revenue and Custom's import and export department offers assistance and advice for travelers wishing to import or export goods.
Ego.net offers airport parking for airports across the United Kingdom